Posts Tagged ‘ transitional phase ’

some rules he tries to live by:

1. don’t panic. don’t take anything, too seriously.
2. never stop thinking.…. your mind is the most important tool you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy.
3. daydream as much as possible, even if it’s only for a few seconds at a time. stare into space blankly and don’t ever punish yourself for doing it.
3a. there’s no such thing as wasting time.
4. don’t be afraid to talk about anything. ask questions, and demand answers.
5. everyone is original. understand every life experience is case-sensitive and unique.
5a.every thing you do makes YOU more YOU than anyone else has ever said about YOU.
6. stop rushing. take your time and enjoy the moment.
7. don’t let anyone tell you what to believe. discover ‘religion’ for yourself. it should never be taught, it can only be found.
8. talking to yourself is healthy. who else do you have more in common with?
9. we will always be in a transitional phase. look around you and know that everything will be replaced at some point.. this existence is only temporary.
10. if someone else has already said it better, don’t hesitate  to quote them.
11. it is always on time or no time. there is only your life earlier today and  later in the evening.
12. every now and then take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. renew its existence.
13. be happy… but don’t force it. that defeats the purpose. discover what is making you unhappy, and change it.
14. you will always succeed in trying.
15. we are all crazy. every person you read about in the history books, already know, or will maybe meet on the street, has or had some kind of ‘chaos’…you just have to learn how to put them in order’.
16. we are all about as similar as we are different.
17. ideas are just as valuable as people. make them, seek them, keep them.
18. words will always be just words. only the feelings are real.
19. ask the child for advice, children are better judges, because they see what we usually don’t.
20. remind the world you’re alive. do something better, bolder and brash.
21. rules makes the world go around. balance is achieved when they are followed, bent, broken all at the same time.